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Start or Reinstate Water Service

Application for exisitng water services only.  Please contact the District Office for new construction application requests.  Thank you! 

By submitting your Start or Reinstate Water Service application request , you agree to comply with all  Central Water District ordinances or regulations now or hereafter adopted relating to your water service(s), and to make prompt payment for all water services received. Bills are due and payable on presentation.  Rates and charges which are not paid on or before the due date printed on the bill shall be delinquent, at which time a notice will be sent advising that the service will be discontinued if payment is not received within fifteen (15) days.  The penalty for non-payment of charges for water service shall be $25.  The amount to be paid for the renewal of a customer's service, which has been discontinued for a violation of the Central Water District Water Ordinance is $75, in  addition to all other charges provided for or established pursuant to said ordinance.   Seven (7) days prior to vacating the premises or selling the property, the customer shall notify the Central Water District.  If discontinuance is not ordered, the customer shall continue to be liable for charges  whether or not  any water is used. Renters:  Please note that your Start or Reinstate Water Service request is dependent on receipt of the  property owner's approval and signature.
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